Dan Hörning

Dan Hörning is a Swedish historical fantasy author.[1] His publishing house is Neogames, and up to now he has published four novels: Svärdsspel i Hadarlon (2000; in English: Sword Games in Hardalon), Stormens vandrare (2006; in English: The Wanderer of Storm), Nemea (2007) and Lasermannen (2009; in English: The Laser Man). .

Stormens vandrare is a first volume in his Mörkret-trilogy (in English: Darkness), which two following volumes Ljusets vandrare (in English: The Wanderer of Light) and Drömmens vandrare (in English: The Wanderer of Dream) haven't been lanched yet.

Hörning is a graduate master of science in computer engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, who works in the French Hi-media-corporation. In his free time, Hörning enjoys MMA, role playing games, travelling and studying of languages and he has been known also as an enthusiastic fan of a Swedish-Norwegian fantasy writer Margit Sandemo. Hörning is the admin and founder of the popular Isfolket & Margitsandemo forum. The subject of that forum is Sagan om Isfolket, a 47-volume historical series of novels by Margit Sandemo. That forum is also used for discussions in Swedish about Dan's books.[2]

Dan Hörning used to be quite the accomplished Magic the Gathering-player in his day. He won the Swedish Championship in 1995 using a red-green Blood Moon deck.


  1. ^ Dan Hörning's record in the LIBRIS database
  2. ^ [1] The Sagan om Isfolket forum